
How Drones Can Save Our Forests

The emergence of large factories gave rise to unprecedented amount of air and water pollution....

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What makes the North York Napar special?

The prevalence of widespread environmental pollution – the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment causing an adverse change – in...

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New adventure experience

The expanded and extended 45Q tax credit for carbon capture, utilization and sequestration projects passed by the U.S. Congress in early 2018....

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Staff Pick's, Travel

The Idea to “Crowd-source” saving the park?

The introduction of contaminants into the environment causing a change in mostly urban places culminated with the birth of the industrial revolution....

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Featured, Video

How to Support Sustainable Urbanism in the Wild

Based on our research of project announcements and public information, these projects together represent a potential doubling of existing global carbon capture...

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Featured, Video

Midway, a plastic island

After breakfast, instead of working, I decided to walk down towards the common. Under the railway bridge I found a group of soldiers–sappers, I think,...

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Desing & Art, Staff Pick's

Deep Into Forest with a Success

The emergence of large factories gave rise to unprecedented amount of air and water pollution from coal burning and immense industrial chemical discharges....

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Travel, Trending

Pioneering & Accessing Wildlife in Mountains

However, to ensure that we are successful in achieving large-scale verifiable CO2 reductions through carbon capture, and to substantially expand this project...

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Our Over The Cloud Adventure

Often, nonprofits communicate only through stories, without accompanying evidence. ...

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The Stages of the Water Cycle?

The prevalence of widespread environmental pollution – the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment causing an adverse change – in...

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